CLOCS-A Case Study – Left-Turn Audible Alarms: Keeping Vulnerable Road Users Safe in Australia’s Largest Transport Infrastructure Project

Major Transport Infrastructure Authority (MTIA) and Cross Yarra Partnership (CYP)
Key Safety Focus: Left Turn Audible Alarms

The Melbourne Metro Tunnel Project, one of Australia’s largest transport infrastructure undertakings, is being delivered by the Major Transport Infrastructure Authority and Cross Yarra Partnership. Given the large number of trucks required to transport tunnel spoil through the busy CBD, the safety of vulnerable road users (VRUs) was a top priority. One particularly urgent concern was addressing the hazards posed to VRUs by left-turning trucks, which have been responsible for a significant number of cyclist fatalities in Australia.
To address this, left-turn audible alarms were identified as a preventative measure after discussions with Transport for London, who had successfully championed the technology in the UK. These alarms activate a spoken message and/or audible alarm when the truck uses its left-turn indicator, warning other road users of the left-turn blind spot hazard.
