Heavy Vehicle Inspection Guide

The purpose of this guide is to provide those associated with the purchase, modification or inspection of heavy vehicles for participation in the CLOCS-A scheme with a nationally consistent set of pass/fail criteria for each item defined in the Standard.

The aim is to minimise ambiguity and make the inspection/audit/accreditation process as objective as is reasonably practicable. Where this is not completely possible, then the “intent” of the standard is set out and the CLOCS-A auditor/inspector will be required to make a reasoned judgment and will have the final say.

Users of the document may include:

  • Transport operators and/or drivers of heavy vehicles participating in the scheme when they are:
    • Initially specifying, purchasing, setting up or modifying a vehicle for participation,
    • Conducting a self-audit of the vehicle at the start of the accreditation process,
    • Reviewing the vehicle periodically for ongoing compliance, or
    • In discussion with a CLOCS-A vehicle inspector or Client site representative in relation the vehicle’s current compliance with the standard.
  • CLOCS-A auditors carrying out initial and subsequent vehicle standard checks for compliance with the standard.
  • Representatives of the Principal Contractors when reviewing vehicles from time to time. As noted above, this may include those working at the entrance gate to a project site who are asked to monitor and act on vehicle compliance as they observe it entering the work site.

The guide is divided into 3 main sections corresponding to the Bronze, Silver and Gold levels. For each item in the CLOCS-A Standard:

  • the wording of the Standard is re-stated,
  • the intent and purpose of the standard is explained, and
  • the pass/fail criteria are set out.

For the purposes of clarity, visual imagery is used wherever possible and appropriate.

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